To Die Alone


To die alone is a sad thing, but a fact of my life or death, whichever. I am sent out on Scouting missionI am well suited for them, as a stealth archer. Being a vampire death is an 

ever-present aspect that, I often use to my advantage.

It wasn’t much of a surprise to run across a large group of our enemy, as I 

made my way back to Chalman Keep. Two of them didn’t make it to the keep, 

though I know that their comrades probably resurrected them. No skin off my 

nose, it slowed the group a little as they looked for me.

 I made it to the Keep before the main horde and stealthed up on the wall near 

the gate. A flicker of movement in the gatehouse told me another person was in 

there, the flare of light told me that oil pots were being lit. Looking out 

across the field, I could see the dust of the approaching horde.

  I looked behind me and checked the siege engines that were set up, making 

sure they would operate with no glitches. Movement on the opposite tower showed 

that a third person was ready to defend the Keep. That’s not to say that the 

Keep guards would not help, but you could tell they were exhausted from their 

efforts thus far. 

  With the first volley of trebuchets at the back of the field to the last loud 

crack from the ram before the gate gave way, the three of us fought to defend 

the Keep. The guards going down one by one, the healers not able to keep up 

with the carnage, though they tried their hardest, they failed. 

  When I heard the splintering sound of the gate giving way, I left my ballista 

and cast misform and ran towards the postern door. I felt the burn of fire 

across my back and knew I would not make it. My last thoughts were for my 

fellow defenders, I could only hope they made it safely away from the Keep or 

at the very least… that they did not die alone.
